An ongoing journey to improve endurance and to prove the normal man is capable of silly things
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
WildWill .... Ironman
Just to recap an Ironman is a 3.8k Swim, 180k Bike Ride and a 42.2k Run (a marathon) all as one race
It was hot…. dam hot as we all attended the pre race briefing and the race organisers announced that air temperatures were averaging in the 40’s in Frankfurt so they had decide to put salt tablets on at the aid stations to help people replace the salts they would be flushing out their systems due to the amount of fluid they would have to consume during the race.
But this announcement was nothing compared to what was to come next … This was going to be the first Ironman anywhere in Europe where competitors would not be allowed to wear wetsuits for the swim. This was a big shock to some of the slower swimmers as this would result in an even longer time spent in the water, but on a whole this announcement was met with a huge cheer … after all “This was Ironman” not a knitting club.
Race day dawned early, I was up for breakfast at 3:45am making sure I was fuelled up for the start of the race and then it was off to get on one of the athletes buses to take us down to the lake, having racked my bike and other gear the previous day.
It was into the lake at 6:45 ready for a 7am deep water start … and nothing, no amount of training could prepare me for this swim as over 2000 athletes entered the water together. After 10-15mins of treading water the gun went off and the race started, I had decided to start at the back of the field to keep out of trouble then pick my way through the field as the race progressed. This was all well and good in theory but with the race underway the whole lake seemed to have turned into a washing machine and as I picked my way through the field I was repeatedly punched, kicked, scratched and shoved under. By the half way point I was feeling good and making good progress thru the field, but as I rounded the last corner and started swimming against the slight current and wind it felt that the last 1000m wasn’t getting any shorter … I could see the swim exit point … but was it getting any closer.
I finally exited the water after what had felt like at least 2 hours but was very surprised when I looked at my watch to find I had exited the water in 1:28 … 12mins faster than I had hoped.
I Run up the hill to the change tent and grabbed my change bag having a moment to look back at the lake and to my surprise there were still 100s of people still swimming (almost 1000 I later learned). It was into the change tent and on with my bike gear, taking time for the luxury of drying myself off first and off to collect my bike, which I ran past twice before I found it amongst all the other bikes racked in T1.
Just as I set off on the bike the heavens opened with the clatter that announced the arrival of a major thunderstorm, with the rain porting in torrents, the sky being let up with the repeated flashes of lightening and the constant rumble of thunder, I smiled to myself … a smile that would stick for the rest of the day … I felt GREAT!
The first 10miles of the bike ride took us into Frankfurt city centre where I started seeing supporters including my wife who was stood by the side of the road in the poring rain cheering like hell. The road of the route had been totally closed off to traffic for the race and I was making good time, for me this was great as cycling is my weakest sport. We exited the city and set off into the countryside as the roads started to turn into rivers… and each time I passed the 40mph speed I could feel my bike starting to loose contact with the road and starting to aquaplane.
The Ride wound its way through lots of small towns and villages in the German Countryside with huge crowds at each, the were 4 big hills on each loop and the crowds at each were like something out of the Tour-de-France as the music blasted and the crowds opened up just in time for you to pass through, I even had a guy dressed as the devil run up beside me at one time.
At about 50miles the rain stopped and the sun gout out and within what seemed like only a few minutes the roads were dry and it was red hot as the temperatures once again hit the 40s. The 2nd lap of the ride, in the heat was much harder work than the 1st and each climb seamed to take more out of me … I took a fresh bottle of drink at each aid station, consuming 14 bottles in total on the ride and then finally I was up the last climb and heading back into Frankfurt
I finished my bike ride in 6:27 which was over an hour faster tan I ever thought possible, I handed my bike to a race official grabbed my 2nd change bag of the day and shot into the change tent where I pulled on fresh socks and a dry top.
I needn’t have bothered with the dry top, as due to the high humidity and high temperature I was soaked wet again almost as left the tent.
The marathon was a 4 lap run along both banks of the river and as I started out on the marathon I was struggling, the heat was getting to me and my mind was all over. I tried to run and my legs wouldn’t seem to turn over, about 1mile down stream at the 1st aid station my wife was there to cheer my on, cheer me up and give me the mind set to go on. I struggled for the whole of the 1st lap with friends that had only been 5mins in front of me at the start of the run opening the gap to about 45mins by the end of the first lap.
At the end of the lap I got my first coloured armband to signify I had completed my 1st lap, in then became an obsession for the rest of the race looking to see haw many armband other runner had, more than me? less than me?
As the laps rolled by I started getting into a rhythm of running some sections and speed marching others, actually passing people who were running while I walked/marched, by the end of the 3rd lap I had made the ground up on my 4 mates who had pulled away from me earlier and even passed some of them, I was starting to feel good and then all of a sudden I had a full set of armbands blue, green, peach and white … this meant as I completed the lap I was directed towards the finish …
… I paused just before the corner to make sure I had the finishing shoot to myself and then I ran to the line, enjoining the raw of the crowds … Marathon time 5:23, just over 1hr slower than my normal Marathon pace
Total time 13hours and 33mins … I was an Ironman … I had made it and about 2hrs faster than i thought i would
And after a shower and a saline infusion I even felt quite good
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Getting Closer

Thursday, May 25, 2006
Wedding Time
Yes I’m nervous, Yes I’m stressed but YES I will enjoy the day
I’ve got a week to wait after the wedding before I go off on honeymoon (Paleokastritsa, Corfu) – so will be looking to get some serious cycling in during that week, plus a sprint race. – I am also taking my wetsuit and running shoes on holiday and will probably hire a MTB for a day or 2.
I’m quite lucky as my other half likes to run each morning while on holiday, and now that she’s up to half marathon distance I’ll get some nice runs in the sun
Friday, May 19, 2006
Open Water Swimming
The venue was Ladyburn Lake in Northumberland (see photo). There was actually a few TRI clubs there with a few members from each, so a good mix of people at the training session.
On Getting in the water – I must say it was cold and I was glad id put on 2 swim caps – plus the water was very green / murky so visibility was very bad. I managed to calm my nerves after a bit of a splash around then off we went on the training swim, firstly across the lake then diagonally down the length of the lake.
At this point I must state that I cannot swim in a straight line and my sighting skills are poor – so I ended up falling off the back and swimming in an arc rather than a line. SO the guy leading the training session decide we’d do some sight training swimming towards a life belt on the opposite shore then we swam back draft training and then back up the lake drafting & sighting then back into the start.
It wasn’t a good session for me as I continually fell off the back, being left by swimmers I’d lap easily in a pool and I ended up motion sick by the end of the session.
SO – I will be back next week, plus I intend going as many Thursdays as i can between now and the race … I WILL GET BETTER
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Training Week T - 11
MON | AM | 01:06 | BIKE | A hard spinning session |
MON | PM | 01:00 | RUN | Steady paced off road run |
TUE | AM | 00:52 | SWIM | Steady paced swim, just over 2.5km |
TUE | PM | 01:06 | RUN | After a warm up, Flat out off road run with intervals pushing myself as hard as I could - Felt Great |
WED | PM | 01:45 | BRICK | A tempo brick session to help prep for Alnwick Tri |
THU | AM | 00:47 | RUN | Early morning hill session (see post) |
THU | AM | 01:00 | BIKE | Spinning session in my lunch break |
THU | PM | 02:00 | SWIM | Swimming with the masters group |
THU | PM | 00:35 | RUN | Tempo run straight out of pool Thursday turned out to be a busy day |
FRI | AM | 05:16 | BIKE | A ling hilly bike ride in the range of 75-80miles |
SAT | __ | __ | __ | REST DAY |
SUN | AM | 01:24 | TRI | Alnwick tri, legs were still tired from weeks training but I felt good |
SUN | PM | 01:40 | RUN | Long run along the coast plus a bit of structured stretching on the pier - felt good |
Total 18:31
The next couple of weeks could be a bit low training wise due to the fact that im about to get married so busy sorting out the final details etc
Have fun all
Monday, May 15, 2006
Alnwick Triathlon
The day was bright, which I was pleased about but my legs were still feeling heavy from Friday evenings 75mile ride, so as I sat and waited for my wave to start I had all the usual doubts pass through my mind … but soon enough it was time for me to start.
I decided to do the swim (600m) at a steady pace and see how it went, I soon passed the person who had started in front of me and settled into a slow long even stroke, at length 10 I pulled my goggles off as I pushed off the wall then did the same at length 21, I managed to pass the person in front of me one more time at length 23 before exiting the pool. I later lernt I was 4th out of the pool in my wave and was only seconds behind those in fornt of me Lesson learnt, make sure your goggles are on properly … loosing them costs time Swim time 10:12
Had a bit of a bad T1 kicking a kerb stone on the way from the pool to my bike, ouch!! – Lesson 2, watch where you are going, it was on with my number belt helmet, shoes and shades – I grabbed my bike and off I went.
Soon as I got on the bike (23k) I could tell my legs were still suffering from Fridays long ride, but cycling is my weakest discipline and I thought id just go as hard as I could and live with consequences, I focused on 2 or 3 guys I could see in the distance and tried to real them in, pushing gears bigger than I’d normally ride. For half the bike I got closer and closer to those in front, but suffered with my tired legs more and more on each hill; until the race hit its only really long drag and I suffered big style and slowed right down allowing those in front to pull away from me Lesson 3, I need to do more strength work in the off season. But my endurance training paid off, as soon is I crested the hill I quickly recovered and was able to beat out a good rhythm back to transition, where I thought id try something new and take my shoes off while still riding the bike – Lesson 4 don’t try new things at races Bike Time 48:05
T2 went without incident, racked my bike, dumped my helmet and changed my shoes then shot out of Transition
The run was just over 5k a hilly off road rout and as I said above, “I shot out of transition” with hardly any of that horrible feeling you get when you move from bike to run – in fact I felt so strong that I diced to race it as if I was only racing a 5k (rather then a Tri) I felt strong crossing the fields and climbing to the turn round point passing 2 further competitors, I aimed to keep my HR at about 93-96% MHR and just pushed ass hard as I could, this strategy was only interrupted by the fact that I had to stop just before the turn around point to drain my bladder but I was soon off again with the stomp only costing me 90-100 seconds. I came through the finish line, completing the run 22:15, which for me is amazing considering I am only a 21min 5k runner – I have never felt as strong on a run after cycling Lesson 5, Brick sessions work
Completing the race, including transitions in 1 hour 24mins – knocking 8mins of my best over that course
In fact I felt that good that I went out for a 10mile run along the coast after lunch
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Oh What A Beautiful Morning …
Today was different I woke up early, about 5:30am and the sun was shining through the gaps in the curtains and I thought “I’m Going for a Run” so pulled my kit on and set off.
I decided to do an off road structured hill set …
- 20mins rolling hills
- 10 x hill reps on the 2mins (hard up, walk down
- 5mins easy warn down
- 5mins stretch
The sun was shining, there were so many birds singing and there was no one around ….. Nature is a wonderful thing AND I FEEL GREAT
Have Fun Out There
Monday, May 08, 2006
Training Weeks T – 13 & T – 12
On the up side I did get my first Century ride done and felt quite good about it
T – 12
MON | AM | 06:30 | BIKE | Long bike ride of 100miles, managed to do the first 50 in 3hrs but the weather changed and the wind got up and it took me 3:30 to do the next 50 |
MON | __ | 00:30 | RUN | Straight off the bike onto a short beach run , just over 5k |
TUE | PM | 01:00 | RUN | Mixed paced Trail Run |
WED | AM | 00:40 | SWIM | Started off feeling good but by the rime I reached a mile I was feeling very sick and dizzy and had to abandon the swim - not good! |
WED | PM | 00:55 | RUN | Easy trail Run to see if I felt any better |
THU | PM | 02:00 | SWIM | Structured session with the Masters Group - felt much better this time, but right knee was quite sore from push & Glide drills |
FRI | PM | 02:35 | RUN | Marathon paced multi terrain run of just over 16mile - felt good cardiovascularly but my knees ached by the end of the run |
SAT | AM | 04:00 | BIKE | 2nd long bike of the week, this time just over 60mile (I dint want to overdo things) did the first 45mile+ with my brother so kept the average speed down to 15mph, but the last 15mile on my own I was feeling good so blasted it and managed to average almost 20mph - i was very pleased with this and felt strong when i got of the bike |
SAT | __ | 00:35 | RUN | Straight off the bike onto a short beach run , this time closer to 8k |
SWIM = 2:40
BIKE = 10:25
RUN = 5:35
TOTAL = 18:40
T – 13
MON | AM | 00:55 | BIKE | Gym bike Session |
MON | PM | 01:00 | RUN | Mixed paced Trail Run |
TUE | PM | 02:00 | BIKE | Turbos session to a spinervals DVD - was to late home to get out doors |
WED | __ | __ | __ | REST - Tooth problems |
THU | __ | __ | __ | REST - Tooth problems |
FRI | __ | __ | __ | REST - Away |
SAT | __ | __ | __ | REST - Away (but did have a sports massage) |
SUN | AM | 01:30 | RUN | Nice run along the river |
SUN | PM | 02:30 | BIKE | Easy paced MTB ride in Northumberland |
SWIM = 0:00
BIKE = 5:20
RUN = 2:30
TOTAL = 7:50
Monday, April 24, 2006
Training Week T - 14
This week was a Recovery Week for me – Timed due to the fact I was going to be away for a couple of days for my stag do, I planed to do 9hrs and hit that 9hrs but slightly more running and less swimming than in my original plan
All recovery weeks will now be at the 9hr mark as I now find this level of training very light.
All-in-all I think my training is going well at the moment – if I can just get a few long rides in between now and my race
MON | AM | 00:50 | RUN | Easy off road run - very enjoyable |
TUE | AM | 00:43 | SWIM | A steady continuous swim aimed to be at Ironman Effort - went through the 2k mark at 37mins |
TUE | PM | 01:45 | RUN | Weekly long Run - just around the 11mile distance this week |
WED | AM | 01:05 | BIKE | Gym bike session |
WED | PM | 01:02 | RUN | Steady trail run |
THU | __ | __ | __ | REST - Away on business |
FRI | PM | 03:55 | BRICK | 3:10 MTB Ride (at a hard pace) followed By 0:45 Hill run - Felt good after woods which is really encouraging |
SAT | __ | __ | __ | REST - Away on stag do |
SUN | __ | __ | __ | REST - Away on stag do |
SWIM = 0:45
BIKE = 4:15
RUN = 4:25
TOTAL = 9:20
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Training Week T – 18 to T – 15
T - 15
MON | __ | __ | __ | REST (Away on Business) |
TUE | AM | 00:41 | SWIM | Easy Swim |
TUE | PM | 02:32 | RUN | Long run on trails - 16mile |
WED | AM | 00:42 | BIKE | Cycled into work at a hard effort |
WED | PM | 01:33 | BIKE | Cycled home a hilly scenic route – had to cut it short as the wind became dangerous |
TH | PM | 02:20 | SWIM | Masters Session |
FRI | AM | 01:02 | RUN | Easy Run |
SAT | AM | 05:37 | BIKE | Long MTB ride in the hills |
SUN | AM | 01:32 | RUN | Steady Run |
Swim -- 03:01
Bike -- 07:52
Run --05:06
TOTAL --15:59
T - 16
MON | __ | __ | __ | REST |
TUE | AM | 01:00 | BIKE | Gym Bike Session |
WED | AM | 01:00 | BIKE | Gym Bike Session |
WED | PM | 00:45 | RUN | Easy off Road Run |
WED | PM | 01:00 | SWIM | 3k time trial at intended IM effort straight off the run - took 0:57 - very pleased with that |
THU | AM | 00:40 | BIKE | Cycled into work at a hard effort |
THU | PM | 02:00 | BIKE | Cycled home a hilly scenic route |
THU | PM | 00:45 | RUN | Run straight off the bike |
FRI | AM | 00:30 | BIKE | Gym bike session to loosen my legs |
FRI | AM | 00:30 | WEIGHTS | Core strength Session |
FRI | PM | 01:03 | RUN | Easy off road run |
SAT | __ | __ | __ | REST |
SUN | PM | 03:10 | BIKE | Just over 60miles - was very wind an I got slower as the ride went on BUT felt good on the hils |
Swim -- 01:00
Bike -- 08:20
Run -- 02:33
Other -- 00:30
TOTAL -- 12:23
T - 17
MON | AM | 00:47 | SWIM | 4 x 500m on 10:00 plus swim down |
TUE | __ | __ | __ | REST |
WED | PM | 00:55 | RUN | Steady off Road Run |
THU | PM | 00:55 | RUN | Steady off Road Run |
FRI | PM | 01:01 | RUN | Very Hilly Run in the lake district on arrival at a training camp |
SAT | AM | 03:00 | BIKE | A Very Hilly Interval session in the lake distict |
SAT | PM | 00:35 | RUN | A hilly run of the bike |
SAT | PM | 01:00 | SWIM | Structured Swim session |
SUN | AM | 04:11 | BIKE | A continuous hilly ride in the lake district in the worst rain I have ever seen - I think I was dryer swimming |
SUN | PM | 01:00 | SWIM | Structured Swim session to finish off the training weekend |
Swim -- 02:47
Bike -- 07:11
Run -- 03:26
TOTAL -- 13:24
T - 18
MON | AM | 01:00 | SWIM | 2.5K Steady swim plus drills |
MON | PM | 02:00 | BIKE | Turbo session |
TUE | AM | 01:15 | BIKE | Gym Bike Session |
TUE | PM | 02:30 | RUN | 15mile long run - a bit tired - put it down to the spinning session at lunch time |
WED | AM | 01:05 | SWIM | 2.5k easy recovery swim |
THU | PM | 01:06 | RUN | Steady off road run |
FRI | __ | __ | __ | REST |
SAT | __ | __ | __ | REST |
SUN | __ | __ | __ | REST |
Swim -- 02:05
Bike -- 03:15
Run -- 03:36
TOTAL -- 08:56
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Training Week T – 20 & T – 19
MON | __ | __ | __ | REST DAY |
TUE | PM | 02:30 | RUN | Long run with some paced work towards the end |
WED | PM | 01:10 | RUN | Steady Pace - was feeling a bit off |
THU | __ | __ | __ | REST DAY |
FRI | __ | __ | __ | REST DAY |
SAT | AM | 05:00 | BIKE | 75mile on the bike in very cold snowy weather, aimed at pre-tiring my legs for Sundays Half - followed by 10mins stretching |
SUN | AM | 01:52 | RUN | Redcar Half marathon, ran in a blizzard |
MON | __ | __ | __ | REST DAY |
TUE | AM | 01:00 | BIKE | Gym Bike session |
TUE | PM | 01:00 | SWIM | Steady swim of 3 x 800m |
WED | __ | __ | __ | REST DAY |
THU | __ | __ | __ | REST DAY |
FRI | __ | __ | __ | REST DAY |
SAT | __ | __ | __ | REST DAY |
SUN | __ | __ | __ | REST DAY |
So Just a 10:30 and a 2:00 week
The week coming is planned to be a bigger week giving a bit more focus to the bike, which is the discipline a worry about the most
Have Fun all …. WW
Monday, March 13, 2006
Redcar Half Marathon
This year, instead of the first glimpses of spring we were more like enthralled in the heart of winter with snow and a strong icy wind – so no shorts and vest for me this year instead I raced in longs, hat and gloves.
I stood at the start of the race with my legs still very tired from the previous days hard 75-mile Bike Ride wondering if it had been a good idea, but that had always been the plan, a Big bike ride on the Saturday followed by the Half Marathon on the Sunday … all about improving my confidence for Ironman Germany in June.
I had made the conscious decision to take it easy at the Race – for me it was all about getting around. The claxon went and off we went, I had started near the rear of the field so not to hold anyone up but even at a conversational pace I soon found myself passing other runners but I maintained my plan and chatted to my training partner all the way round.
At 5miles my left hamstring started feeling tight and at 8 just as we hit the see front complete with its ‘bracing’ wind a sharp pain made me temporarily sag at the knees. I took this as a bit of a warning and slowed a bit more, allowing my now very tight hamstring to loosen off.
Going through 10 miles I noted that I had managed to average 8:30s, which for me is very good especially after a long ride as I would normally taper for a half marathon (but not this time)
On to the seafront with 2 miles to go my I decided to do the last couple of miles fartlek style to add a bit of pace work into now tired legs, so down the seafront my training partner and myself took turns to call “Easy”, “Medium” & “Pace” random lamppost intervals – making the last 2 miles the fastest 2 of the race
I completed the Half Marathon in 1:50 which is 3-4mins down on my PB which considering the conditions and all the clothes I was wearing, I was very pleased with …. But more importantly I had done the Half Marathon with very heavy tired legs and gotten through it …… A GREAT BOOST IN MY IRONMAN TRAINING
Monday, March 06, 2006
Training Week T – 21
A good week and a bad week for me this week, a good week in as far as I had a nice solid week of training which totalled out to be my biggest week so far, a bad week in that I didn’t get enough time on the bike.
It is my aim to address this over the next couple of weeks with a couple of big weekend rides, the plan is to do a very hilly 60-70mile on Saturday the around the 100mile the following Saturday – these rides represent a big jump forward for me so a may not have as much training thru the week but I feel that I need to do this as my cycling is my weakest discipline.
So this is what the week looked like
MON | AM | 00:45 | SWIM | 2.2k including a 1500m Time trail from cold. Managed to swim a PB 0f 25:57 but it left me wiped out as the rest of the session was hard work |
TUE | AM | 01:10 | RUN | Took my better half and her mate out for a trainings session, so an easy run for me…. Followed by some stretching |
WED | AM | 01:00 | BIKE | A spinning session on the gym bike |
WED | AM | 00:31 | GYM | Bike session was followed by 30mins of circuit training (weights) |
WED | PM | 02:35 | RUN | Long run of 15mile including 400m of climbing, it was a hard run on top of the 1:30 I'd already done and my joins started too feel it in the latter stages of the run. I did manage to pick up the pace for the last3 or 4 miles so the run time was 2:27 followed by some stretching CORE SESSION RUN |
THU | AM | 01:16 | BRICK | Gym brick session of 5 x (10mins Bike, 5mins Treadmill) |
THU | PM | 02:00 | SWIM | Masters session. Shared my lane with 2 swimming instructors and a swimming coach so was a good session - including a bit of a lesson towards the end in Breast & Back strokes (i only do front crawl) CORE SESSION SWIM |
FRI | PM | 02:47 | RUN | Run Home from work about 11-12miles with plenty of climbing so a hard 2nd long run of the week |
SAT | PM | 02:32 | BIKE | 2:15 on the Turbo Trainer followed by 15mins floor work |
SUN | PM | 02:34 | BRICK | 2hrs on the road bike followed by 30mins run |
SWIM – 2:45
BIKE – 6:24
RUN – 7:27
OTHER - 0:31
TOTAL 17:08
Have fun out there
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Swim 1500m PB
Well last weeks down week must have done me a lot of good because yesterday I swam a PB for 1500m in 25:57 that is even faster than I’ve ever managed in a race … so I’m real chuffed
The TT took a lot out of me as I followed it by a few 50m sprints and struggled then finished with a few drills to help rebuild my stroke
Monday, February 27, 2006
The Month Ahead (March)
- Up my core long Run to 16miles or 2:30 over the month, since I am still doing my long run during the week this will mean trying to get out about 5:30 to allow me to sleep afterwards
- Look at the logistics of getting a 2nd Run of over 10 mile in more regularly – I am going to try to run home from work once per week to achieve this, it will be a tough run as its 11mile+ all up hill
- I need to up my Bike mileage and look at being able to comfortably cover 60-70miles, it is quite hilly where I live so this will be a good session on the bike
- With my Swim I am just looking to maintain my current levels, as trying to breakthrough to the next level on all three disciplines may be overdoing it a bit
- I am also looking to up my volume over this month with a couple of big weeks
- Also looking forward to the Triathlon Training Weekend in the Lake District at the end of the month :o)
So there it is, my plan for March – I know it is not a detailed plan saying what I’ll do on what day and for how long but it is a guide and will allow me to adapt as real life gets in the way – which it inevitably does
Fingers Crossed
Training Week T – 22
MON | AM | 00:45 | SWIM | A continuous 2k plus drilld in a rather busy pool total time for the 2k swim was 39mins so quite pleased put would like to get this closer to 36mins |
MON | PM | 00:55 | RUN | Run with my better half and her mateas I am training them up for their first half marathon |
TUE | AM | 01:00 | BIKE | Had a good session on the gym bike at lunch time, did 60mins as 3 x ( - 2:30 min spin, - 2:30 right leg only, - 2:30 min spin, - 2:30 left leg only ) 5 x ( - 1min spin @ 85-90rpm, - 1min fast spin @ 110-120rpm, - 1min spin @ 85-90rpm - 1min out the saddle @ 65-70rpm, - 1min fast spin @ 110-120rpm ) 5mins warm down starting at 120rpm and dropping 10rpm each min Felt the session in my legs when I got off too |
WED | __ | __ | __ | REST (away on business) |
THU | PM | 01:30 | RUN | Run distance was down this week as it was a recovery week - just did 9.5mile plus some strides, found it quite easy CORE SESSION RUN |
FRI | __ | __ | __ | REST |
SAT | __ | __ | __ | REST |
SUN | __ | __ | __ | REST |
TOTAL 4:10
Things will improve next week as it’s scheduled to be a big breakthrough week
Monday, February 20, 2006
Training Week T – 23
MON | __ | __ | __ | REST Day (away on business) |
TUE | AM | 01:05 | BIKE GYM | Did 30mins spinning on the Bike but knees were still sore from the weekends efforts. Followed by 30mins core strength work (as I'm a firm believer in improving core strength) |
TUE | PM | 00:55 | RUN | An easy run with my better half and her mate, as I'm training them up from scratch to do there first half marathon |
WED | PM | 02:15 | RUN | Long run of 12miles followed by some stretching felt really strong towards the end of this run, even in the bad weather with the fastest 2 miles being the last 2 miles CORE SESSION RUN |
THU | PM | 02:00 | SWIM | Swim with the masters group 4 x 200m warm up 8 x 25m build 1 x 200m easy 12 x 100m hard 3 x 200m steady 8 x 25m racing sprints 1 x 200m easy 4 x 200m pull buoy & paddles 1 x 500m swim down Felt good, but I could feel it in my shoulders the next morning CORE SESSION SWIM |
FRI | AM | 01:01 | BIKE | Had a good session on the gym bike at lunch time, did 60mins as 3 x ( - 5min spin, - 2:30 right leg only, - 2:30 left leg only ) 5 x ( - 1min spin @ 85-90rpm, - 1min fast spin @ 110-120rpm, - 1min spin @ 85-90rpm - 1min out the saddle @ 65-70rpm, - 1min fast spin @ 110-120rpm ) 5mins warm down starting at 120rpm and dropping 10rpm each min Felt the session in my legs when I got off too |
FRI | PM | 00:45 | RUN | Temp run over a hilly route - my first real tempo run of the year - speed isn't really there at the moment but felt strong |
SAT | PM | 03:00 | BIKE | A hilly ride was only 40 miles but with almost 1000m of climbing CORE SESSION BIKE |
SUN | __ | __ | __ | REST DAY |
SWIM - 02:00
BIKE - 04:35
RUN - 03:55
OTHER - 00:30
TOTAL -11:00
This next week is down as a recovery week so the aim is about 9hrs in total
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Training Week T – 24
MON | AM | 00:45 | SWIM | A continuous 2k with the first 1000m done at an easy effort then upping the pace for the next 1000m - total time for the swim was 38mins so very pleased with that this early in the year |
MON | PM | 01:20 | BIKE | Turbo training session focusing on spinning rather than power - felt good |
TUE | AM | 00:45 | BIKE GYM | 35mins recovery spinning on the Gym bike Followed by 10mins of core work |
TUE | PM | 01:50 | RUN | Long run of just over 11-miles in 1:45 plus a few strides to warm down - it was wet and windy but I felt good CORE RUN SESSION |
WED | __ | __ | __ | REST DAY |
THU | PM | 02:00 | SWIM | Masters session, a good work out this week done as 4 x 200m wu 8 x 25 build 7 x 200 hard 1 x 200 easy 4 x ( 100m IM + 100m fs ) 8 x 25 CU drill 1 x 300 wd. Plus i found out the 2 people i was sharing a lane with are swimming instructors ---- that’s handy CORE SESSION SWIM |
FRI | __ | __ | __ | REST DAY |
SAT | AM | 03:50 | BIKE | A verry cold day with temperatures down to freezing but managed a long ride and big hills, including a 7mile hill with a few nasty kick-ups at the end of the ride CORE SESSION BIKE |
SUN | AM | 01:00 | SWIM | 1000m warm up, drills then an easy swim down
SUN | AM | 02:05 | BIKE | After getting out the pool went for another ride, Warmer than the previous day but rained all the way round - with an aim of stressing my cycling capabilities with decent back-to-back rides. Finished with the same 7mile climb |
SWIM – 3:45
BIKE – 8:00
RUN – 1:50
I'll not get nearly as much training done next week as i have building work to do in preparation for getting a new central heating system installed
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Training Week T – 25
MON | AM | 00:40 | SWIM | non stop 1.8k plus drills |
TUE | AM | 00:35 | BIKE | Spinning session in a short lunch break |
TUE | PM | 01:45 | RUN | Long run 10.5mile plus strides CORE RUN SESSION |
WED | PM | 00:40 | RUN | Easy short run |
THU | AM | 01:05 | BIKE | spinning session on the gym bike focusing on maintaining a steady HR |
THU | PM | 01:35 | SWIM | Masters session, 3k as :- - 4 x 200 on 4:30 - 8 x 25 in 0:25 RI 0:20 - 24 x 50 in 0:55 RI 0:15 - 10 x 50 drills - 1 x 300 w/d CORE SWIM SESSION |
FRI | PM | 00:40 | RUN | Easy run |
SAT | __ | __ | __ | REST DAY |
SUN | AM | 00:30 | RUN | easy run |
SUN | PM | 01:50 | BIKE | Hilly strength endurance session CORE BIKE SESSION |
SWIM – 2:15
BIKE - 3:30
RUN – 3:35
TOTAL 9:20
Monday, February 06, 2006
Turbo Sessions and DVD’s
Just spent the last 75mins on the Turbo Trainer and watched a DVD to pass the time. Yes I’ve got DVD’s such as Spinnervals and the like but sometimes I get board with them, so tonight I watched Meatloaf Live with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, which included the tracks :-
- Life is a lemon
- Mercury Blues
- Dead Ringer for Love
- Testify
- All Revved Up
- You took the words …
- I couldn’t have said it better
- Two out of Three …
- Out of the frying pan
- For Crying out Loud
- Paradise by the dashboard light
- I’d do anything for love
- Bat out of hell
There are other concerts I like to watch while on the Turbo … Pink Floyd – The Wall and Prince - 1999/Purple Rain
Any one else have have DVDs they like to watch while on the Turbo?
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Training Week T-26
This is haw the week shaped up …
MON | AM | 01:00 | BIKE | A steady spinning session on the bike - set to 70%MHR and spun at 100-110RPM |
TUE | AM | 00:35 | SWIM | Steady continuous swim -1.6km Still no tumbles or hard pulling due to neck tho |
TUE | PM | 01:37 | RUN | long run session 8.5mile in the icy cold - kept it to a conversational pace (10mm) and felt very good which I’m very happy with due to not getting any real running done
WED | __ | __ | __ | REST DAY (away on business) |
THU | PM | 01:20 | SWIM | Session with the masters group - 28km as - - 1000m steady - 10 x 50m kick - 7 x 200m hard (No tumbles etc) CORE SESSION SWIM |
FRI | AM | 01:00 | BIKE | Spinning session at the gym focusing on high cadence work and 1 legged drills |
SAT | __ | __ | __ | REST DAY (arranging wedding stuff) |
SUN | AM | 02:45 | BIKE | 40mile out doors was frozen cold and very early, my self and my training partner took out a few novices - I had planned to do another 15 but I suffered from mechanical problems and called it a day CORE SESSION BIKE |
SWIM = 01:55
BIKE = 04:45
RUN = 01:37
TOTAL = 08:17
Monday, January 23, 2006
Training Week T-27
I have another physio appointment this afternoon and maybe another later in the week but its onwards and upwards
MON | _ | __ | __ | REST DAY (at Physio) |
TUE | AM | 00:35 | SWIM | Steady swimming session to test my neck out - couldn’t tumble but managed an easy 1700m |
TUE | PM | 01:15 | RUN | At the running club - this is my longest run since PF did 7-8miles which I was very pleased at CORE SESSION RUN |
TUE | PM | 00:35 | SWIM | A drill session to hel recover from the run - done on finishing the run |
WED | AM | 01:06 | BIKE | Spinning session on the gym bike with an aim at helping spin the lower gears better thus help my climbing |
WED | PM | 00:45 | SWIM | Structured set |
THU | PM | 02:00 | SWIM | At masters (see post) CORE SESSION SWIM |
FRI | _ | __ | __ | REST DAY |
SAT | PM | 02:30 | BIKE | A really nice bright (but cold) winters day felt good all the way round even on the many hills CORE SESSION BIKE |
SAT | PM | 00:30 | RUN | Ran out of light on the bike rid so decided to make it a bit of a brick session so went for a 30min run as I was still feeling on top of the world |
SUN | AM | 00:32 | RUN | A recovery session for me - but to my better half out for a run as she is thinking of doing the Great North Run (a half marathon) |
Totals Were:-
SWIM 3:55
BIKE 3:36
RUN 2:17
TOTAL = 9:48
Friday, January 20, 2006
Hey Mr Grump Gills …
Just keep swimming
Just keep swimming
(Above from Finding Nemo, one of my nephews favourite movies)
But that is what it feels like this week with 4 swim sessions in 3 days and the probability of another at the weekend. Last nights session was with the local masters group and due to being under treatment for an injured neck I was unable to do tumble turns etc so I joined the slower lane for what turned out to be a very enjoyable session … I think it does you good to train with new people every now and again.
The session went like …
5mins pool side warm up
5 x 200m
8 x 25 on 50 building 1-4 to 20secs then holding 5-8
4 x (
3 x 100m hard
1 x 50m hard
1 x 50m easy
10 x 50m Kick
200m easy
and finished with 5-10mins stretching
Have Fun All
Monday, January 16, 2006
Training Week T – 28
I used to often have problems with my neck following a rather bad car wreck in my early 20s, but this is the first time it has bee this bad for a long time … so fingers crossed – I’ll recover quite quickly
MON | AM | 00:50 | BIKE | Spinning on the Gym bike at 100RPM on a random program - aiming to loosen up my legs |
TUE | AM | 00:40 | SWIM | 4 x 400m, as 3 build 1 recover, Plus drills including managing to set a PB for 400m of 6:48 |
TUE | PM | 01:00 | RUN | At running club, ran with training partner aiming to run at a conversational pace which for me at the moment equates to 9 min miles |
WED | __ | __ | __ | REST (away on business) |
THU | AM | 00:30 | BIKE | Spinning at the gym 30mins at 110 RPM - looking to get my legs used to spinning to help me climb a bit beter |
THU | AM | 00:30 | GYM | Non stop Circuit training |
THU | PM | 01:10 | SWIM | At the Masters for an AT+ session (very hard work) Session included :- 5 x 100m, 1 x 200m, 4 x 100m, 3 x 75m hard + 25m recovery 2 x 75m hard + 25m recovery 2 x 75m hard + 25m recovery 8 x 25m catch up drill 1 x 100m warm down |
FRI | __ | __ | __ | REST |
SAT | AM | 02:50 | BIKE | A nice day and a good ride in the Northumberland borders - 40miles including 530m of climbs - it was an out and back ride rode as a negative split with the return leg at 19mph average - so very pleased (well I would have been if I hadn’t hurt my neck) |
SUN | __ | __ | __ | REST (due to neck problems) |
Have fun all
Thursday, January 12, 2006
What better way to spend a lunch break
Hi, all I thought id take some time to share how I like to spend my “Lunch Break”
I am currently working for a company that operates a limited flexi system – this allows me to quite often take a little bit longer for lunch; due to the fact that when I’m at my suppliers I often put in a 14-17hr day thus, allowing me to put in sessions of 30-60mins at the local pool or gym during my lunch break.
Today it was time for the gym and I had on hour available to me so this is the session I put in: -
30mins on the Gym Bike at 100-110 RPM on a random setting looking to keep my heart rate within the 65-75% MHR range.
Followed by
30mins of weights done as 25mins non stop circuit training, including some heavy moves including Squat, Bench Press and bent over rowing, finished of with 5mins stretching.
After my shower and during my brisk walk back to work I noticed myself thinking to myself “That was Great I FEEL GREAT”
Got back to work and ate my lunch at my desk and felt invigorated for the challenges the afternoon holds in store and toward my evening swim session with the local masters group
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Training Week T – 29
MON | __ | __ | __ | Rest |
TUE | AM | 00:36 | SWIM | 1.8km - an easy swim as 2 x 500m in 10:00 plus 2 x 250m in 4:45 plus 100m Drills |
TUE | PM | 01:00 | RUN | 5.5 mile Club Run - very hilly and I struggled a bit due to my lack of running lately |
WED | AM | 01:06 | BIKE | Session on the gym bike at 115rpm working up and down the levels |
THU | AM | 00:35 | GYM | Circuit Training non stop full body |
FRI | AM | 00:30 | SWIM | 1.2km - Had to cut my session short due to a sugar crash leaving me feeling quite ill early in the session Did - 350, 200, 150, 100, 50 + Drills |
FRI | PM | 00:45 | RUN | Just 3.5mile but done as an interval session on a very hilly course 1min walk / 5min Run Trying to get my running going again |
SAT | PM | 02:25 | BIKE | 30 mile - First road ride of the new year (see Blogg entry) |
SUN | AM | 01:00 | SWIM | 2.0km - An easy Sunday morning session 5x200m in 4:45-4:50 the drills plus I coached a couple of mates who are looking at improving their swim |
About 8hrs in all including 3 x Swims, 2 x Bike, 2 x Run & 1 x Gym
Saturday, January 07, 2006
First Ride of the year
Did 2:30 with my training partner – it was Windy, it Rained all the way round and The temperature was just above freezing …. And I loved it :o)
We took it at an easy pace completed just about 30-miles but also climbed over 530metres so considering that and the weather it was quite a good work out.
I’ll probably aim to increase next weekends ride by 30mins next Saturday and so on in the weeks that follow then, when the weather improves I'll look my seriosly at improve distance speed
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
New Year and a New Start
The season of excess and merriment is now behind us and that combined to recent injuries and holidays have seen by training slip and my waistline with it, so the new year see the start of my big push towards Ironman Germany.
It starts this week with the beginning of my first 4 week base training phase and the reorganising of my diet.
My weight is well up at the moment at 206lbs (at my worst I weighed in at 259lbs) so the aim is to get this down to 199lbs by the end of Base-1 and to 190-192lbs by end of Base-2 which will have me back close to my racing weight
Due to PF I’m still limited by the amount of running a can do but hope to lift my fitness with Cycling, Swimming and Gym Sessions until I can once again lift the run training
… well that’s the plan.