Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Training Week T – 18 to T – 15

Thought i'd better update my training log

T - 15

MON______REST (Away on Business)
TUEAM00:41SWIMEasy Swim
TUEPM02:32RUNLong run on trails - 16mile
WEDAM00:42BIKECycled into work at a hard effort
WEDPM01:33BIKECycled home a hilly scenic route – had to cut it short as the wind became dangerous
THPM02:20SWIMMasters Session
FRIAM01:02RUNEasy Run
SATAM05:37BIKELong MTB ride in the hills
SUNAM01:32RUNSteady Run

Swim -- 03:01
Bike -- 07:52
Run --05:06
TOTAL --15:59

T - 16

TUEAM01:00BIKEGym Bike Session
WEDAM01:00BIKEGym Bike Session
WEDPM00:45RUNEasy off Road Run
WEDPM01:00SWIM3k time trial at intended IM effort straight off the run - took 0:57 - very pleased with that
THUAM00:40BIKECycled into work at a hard effort
THUPM02:00BIKECycled home a hilly scenic route
THUPM00:45RUNRun straight off the bike
FRIAM00:30BIKEGym bike session to loosen my legs
FRIAM00:30WEIGHTSCore strength Session
FRIPM01:03RUNEasy off road run
SUNPM03:10BIKEJust over 60miles - was very wind an I got slower as the ride went on BUT felt good on the hils

Swim -- 01:00
Bike -- 08:20
Run -- 02:33
Other -- 00:30
TOTAL -- 12:23

T - 17

MONAM00:47SWIM4 x 500m on 10:00 plus swim down
WEDPM00:55RUNSteady off Road Run
THUPM00:55RUNSteady off Road Run
FRIPM01:01RUNVery Hilly Run in the lake district on arrival at a training camp
SATAM03:00BIKEA Very Hilly Interval session in the lake distict
SATPM00:35RUNA hilly run of the bike
SATPM01:00SWIMStructured Swim session
SUNAM04:11BIKEA continuous hilly ride in the lake district in the worst rain I have ever seen - I think I was dryer swimming
SUNPM01:00SWIMStructured Swim session to finish off the training weekend

Swim -- 02:47
Bike -- 07:11
Run -- 03:26
TOTAL -- 13:24

T - 18

MONAM01:00SWIM2.5K Steady swim plus drills
MONPM02:00BIKETurbo session
TUEAM01:15BIKEGym Bike Session
TUEPM02:30RUN15mile long run - a bit tired - put it down to the spinning session at lunch time
WEDAM01:05SWIM2.5k easy recovery swim
THUPM01:06RUNSteady off road run

Swim -- 02:05
Bike -- 03:15
Run -- 03:36
TOTAL -- 08:56

1 comment:

Cliff said...


Even with a day rest, you can crank those volume. Impressive.