Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Who Are You?

A chat with a friend recently brought a stark fact into realisation for me.

In the case of an accident, while out training, how will people know who we are?

It’s a scary thought...

Scenario 1: We are out running and not feeling too good, the next thing we collapse and there is no way for anyone to know who our nearest and dearest are. 

Scenario 2: Out for a ride and we are clipped by a passing car knocking us unconscious into a hedgerow. Mobile phone smashed in the process – leaving no access to the ICE contact which you may have set up.

These two scenarios may occur when training a lone – but they could also easily occur when training with others. In that case though, you may think your friends and club mates know you…

But think about it. They may know you because you tur up at the club most weeks. They may have you mobile number to allow training sessions to be arranged. They may even know where you live, because they’ve picked you up before…

Think a little more. They may have your number but not your partners or home number. They might be able to drive to your house but could they rime off you address. Not too optimistic is it? And let’s not go into the problems of the worst happening when training alone.


I would everyone to think about wearing a wearable ID bracelet. There are a number available from the likes of Road iD and OneLife iD. Wearing a personal emergency ID ensures immediate identification, and quick communication with your next-of-kin. All providing peace of mind to you and your love ones.

Stop Messing about and get it sorted.



Friday, March 02, 2018

Feb 18: A Look Back

The first two months of the year gone already and the time before my A Race (Ironman Vichy) grows ever shorter. February marked my training's transition from PREP phase into BASE phase. Training proper. 

The weather may be foul, but I cannot let that get in the way of progress. I have continued with a TrainerRoad / Wattbike combination to keep my cycling on the up. I am actually following(ish) one of the TrainerRoad-Base cycling programmes to get me through to the more clement months. 

On the running front, February marked the highest running mileage, for me, in three and a half year. 93 miles. Not a huge mileage for some ... but good for me. This was not the intention but I have been asked to coach a Couch-to-5k lunchtime group where I work. Who am I to say no.

So now, the numbers: -



One final point to note, is that February also marked an improvement in my 1hr, 1.5hr, and 2hr watt averages on the bike :-)

Now, through the blizzards and into March

Train Strong

Monday, February 05, 2018

Jan 18: A Look Back

So, the first month of the year has been and gone already: Planned, Trained, and Logged. So how did I do?

Well the month started bad as I was still suffering the after effect of Decembers flu. Then it also ended up ‘off plan’ due to life getting in the way. Although in-between I feel like I good some solid training in.

So, how do the figures look: -



So, Although I dropped a couple of sessions, I seemed to have performed better in those sessions than I had hoped. The significant over-achieve on my bike, also seems to have paid off in other ways too. As stated in my previous post I have been using a TrainerRoad / Wattbike combination for my bike training and during January, even though I started the month under the weather, I made improvement at quite a few ‘Watt’ assessment points along the way. Including: -

5sec, 10sec, 20sec, 30sec, 2min, 1hr, 1.5hr, and 2hr.

Happy with that :)

Now, onward into February…


Thursday, February 01, 2018

A Bit of Prep

I’m a firm believer that ageing as an athlete should not hold you back. Especially for us that came to sport later in life, just because you have reached a certain age doesn’t mean that all your bests are behind you. Also, in Triathlon, since we compete in age groups – each new age group provides new opportunities for setting AG specific bests. 

For me the challenge of a faster Ironman is still firmly dragging me forever onward, and to this ends I have decided (as alluded to in my last post) to be more structured about my training. 

With a Joe Friel inspired structure, I am just coming to an end of my first phase: PREP. Running from the 1st January through to 4th February, it is a short 5 week phase to get me ready for the real training to get me ready for Ironman Vichy. With this in mind, during Prep of have moved my training to be both more structured and more Triathlon focused (PREP Plan Below). Although, I am still totally ignoring the swim element of the sport.

I have decided to take the TrainerRoad / Wattbike route for the Cycling element of both PREP and BASE phases. The aim: to provide me with structure and focus for the job at hand – rather than just riding round country trails with a few mates. 

I will probably talk more on my thoughts on TrainerRoad / Wattbike in a future post. So watch this space. 

You will also notice from this plan that I have both Saturdays and Sundays as rest days, this is due to the fact that I work away from home - so weekends are family time. Also, this early in the session the planned volume is low enough that I can fit the training into 5 days.


Next phase: BASE training, so watch this space. 


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

2018 - A New Start

The start of another year means the start of another campaign… 

But, now in my fifties, I need to consider my long term goals. Is that ever elusive sub 12:30 Ironman doable for me. Or, is it all just a pipe dream that remains forever out of reach? Do I need to revise my goals? Do I need new goals? Questions, questions.

This year I have, once again, entered the ‘hot box’ which is Ironman Vichy (France). I have raced Vichy twice and both times the temperatures have reached the high 30s. (About 100f for those of you who are still old school). Also, the last time the swim was an over distance, non-wetsuit swim. But all considered I like the place, the people, and the race. Plus, I will treat the race as my summer vacation.  
Across the early winter months I have been feverishly scribbling, and now, I have a plan, which consists of:
  • 5 weeks prep 
  • 12 weeks base 
  • 8 weeks build 
  • 8 weeks peek
With the odd ‘off’ week built into the schedule to account for family time and a few breaks to allow for recovery.

So, at the moment, I have the plan, I have the enthusiasm: so I am saying to myself: “Ignore the age and onward and upwards … the goal will be sub 12:30.”
