Monday, February 20, 2006

Training Week T – 23

Not a bad week last week considering the amount of DIY I needed to do would have liked to gotten an extra ride in on Sunday but my legs were shredded from the cumulative affect of Friday evening Tempo hill run and Saturdays Hilly strength endurance ride. So I took it as a rest day

MON______REST Day (away on business)
Did 30mins spinning on the Bike but knees were still sore from the weekends efforts.
Followed by 30mins core strength work (as I'm a firm believer in improving core strength)
TUEPM00:55RUNAn easy run with my better half and her mate, as I'm training them up from scratch to do there first half marathon
WEDPM02:15RUNLong run of 12miles followed by some stretching felt really strong towards the end of this run, even in the bad weather with the fastest 2 miles being the last 2 miles

THUPM02:00SWIMSwim with the masters group

4 x 200m warm up
8 x 25m build
1 x 200m easy
12 x 100m hard
3 x 200m steady
8 x 25m racing sprints
1 x 200m easy
4 x 200m pull buoy & paddles
1 x 500m swim down

Felt good, but I could feel it in my shoulders the next morning

FRIAM01:01BIKEHad a good session on the gym bike at lunch time, did 60mins as

3 x (
- 5min spin,
- 2:30 right leg only,
- 2:30 left leg only
5 x (
- 1min spin @ 85-90rpm,
- 1min fast spin @ 110-120rpm,
- 1min spin @ 85-90rpm
- 1min out the saddle @ 65-70rpm,
- 1min fast spin @ 110-120rpm
5mins warm down starting at 120rpm and dropping 10rpm each min

Felt the session in my legs when I got off too
FRIPM00:45RUNTemp run over a hilly route - my first real tempo run of the year - speed isn't really there at the moment but felt strong
SATPM03:00BIKEA hilly ride was only 40 miles but with almost 1000m of climbing


SWIM - 02:00
BIKE - 04:35
RUN - 03:55
OTHER - 00:30

TOTAL -11:00

This next week is down as a recovery week so the aim is about 9hrs in total


Cliff said...


i am trying to space out my tempo/hilly training from my long run/bike training. But we only have so many days in a week and is hard to space them out.

I focus more on my aerobic skills so I would do my tempo/hill training the day after the long training.

Ex. My long run is on wed. So on Thurs I will be doing a tempo bike ride.

Good job on the week training....

Steven said...

Excellent job on tracking your training goals and progress. You have this figured out!