An ongoing journey to improve endurance and to prove the normal man is capable of silly things
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Les Mills RPM
Monday, January 25, 2010
W/E : 24/01/2009 (Week 3)
MON | AM | 03:05:00 | BIKE: Spinnervals 13 - Tough Love |
TUE | AM | 00:20:00 | RUN: Run to pool |
TUE | AM | 00:45:00 | SWIM: 5 x 400m |
TUE | AM | 00:20:00 | RUN: Ran back from pool |
TUE | PM | 00:42:00 | RUN: Hilly run with Mrs |
WED | AM | 00:48:00 | BIKE: Spinervals 8: Recovery and Technique |
WED | PM | 01:20:00 | SWIM: Structured session |
THU | AM | 01:15:00 | RUN: Run with dog |
THU | PM | 00:55:00 | BIKE: Spinning (RPM 26) |
FRI | AM | 02:17:00 | BIKE: MTB'ing |
FRI | PM | 00:43:00 | RUN: Hilly run with Mrs and Lynne |
SAT | __ | __ | REST DAY |
SUN | AM | 01:22:00 | RUN: Long easy paced run with Mrs |
SWIM: | 02:05 |
BIKE: | 07:05 |
RUN: | 04:42 |
TOTAL | 13:52 |
Friday, January 22, 2010
Wind, Rain, Fog and a MTB
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Structured Sessions
- 200m as 200 Swim
- 400m as (50 Catch up, 100 1-armed, 50 Finger Drag) x 2
Main Set
- 1000m as 400,300,200,100 Pace: RI 20secs
- 400m as 2 x 200 fast
Endurance Set
- 1000m as 1000 easy swim
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
History and Targets

I’ m sitting here considering my targets for this years Ironman and want to keep it realistic but on the other hand I really feel I can get close to 12:30 so I thought id. Look at IMDE in 2006 and IMCH in 2009, my first Ironman and last year where i had next to no training, this gives me this: -
SWIM | BIKE | RUN | T1+T2 | TOTAL | |
IMDE 2006 | 01:28 | 06:26 | 05:23 | 00:15 | 13:33 |
IMCH 2009 | 01:14 | 07:11 | 05:07 | 00:10 | 13:42 |
BEST OF BOTH | 01:14 | 06:26 | 05:07 | 00:10 | 12:58 |
TARGET | 01:12 | 06:12 | 04:55 | 00:10 | 12:29 |
AVERAGES | 1:54/100m | 18.1mph | 11.25m/m |
So that’s my targets for Ironman Germany 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Swim with a bit of running

Today I did something I have never done before ... I ran to the pool and back for my swim, its only 2 miles either way but I enjoyed it.
At the pool I decided to do 5 x 400m intervals ... and is it me being over competitive, but for the first 2 intervals there was a good swimmer in the next lane which caused me to swim my first 2 400s in under 7:30s then i settled into a steadier couple of intervals focusing on my style, then someone else go in next to me so another hard effort for the last 400m
... so all in all a good swim ... tomorrow should be my long swim (about 2hrs)
... and I’m running with my wife later
Monday, January 18, 2010
Tough Love

To keep things going I did a Turbo Trainer DVD called Spinervals 13 – Tough Love .... and TOUGH is an understatement to say the least.
The cover shows it to be a 3hour Interval Session with a difficulty rating of 9.9 out of 10, it s specifically intended to improve your endurance and aerobic capacity, which you'll certainly need if you're going to do an Ironman. As it's all one long s
ession, the workout in is more balanced than what you'd get by playing a shorter Spinervals workout several times or doing a number of other Spinerval sessions back-to-back. Coach Troy Jacobson specifically addresses the different conditions of a really lengthy workout by pointing out your requirements for calorie and water consumption
during the ride well as cautioning participants to pace themselves. He also points out, quite correctly, that Tough Love is not a workout for beginners: in order to tackle this program, you should be at a good condition already.
One thing i will say is though ... I wished i'd wore cycling shorts.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
W/E : 17/01/2009 (Week 2)

MON | AM | 01:10:00 | BIKE: 24Mile - Spinervals 21 (Aero Base) |
TUE | AM | 00:43:00 | RUN: 4.1Mile Off Road |
TUE | PM | 00:47:00 | BIKE: 15Mile Spinning (RPM 33) |
WED | AM | 01:05:00 | SWIM: 3000m easy non stop |
WED | PM | 00:48:00 | RUN: 4.5mile Easy |
THU | AM | 01:07:00 | RUN: 6.5mile Easy |
THU | PM | 01:15:00 | BIKE: 21Mile Spinning (RPM 39) |
FRI | PM | 00:36:00 | RUN: 3.5Mile With Dog |
SAT | AM | 00:35:00 | RUN: 3Mile easey with Mrs |
SUN | AM | 00:48:00 | RUN: 4.5Mile in Icy condition |
SWIM: | 01:05 |
BIKE: | 03:12 |
RUN: | 04:37 |
TOTAL | 08:54 |
Friday, January 15, 2010

Looking at my training log last night and I noticed I have trained 19 times in the first 14 days of the year, delving a bit deeper my training actually equates to : -
- An Average of 1.35 Training Sessions Per Day
- An Average of 50mins Training Per Session
- An Average of 68mins Training Per Day
The Questions are:-
- How long can I maintain training frequency?
- Can I increase the average training time per day and training time per session?
I suppose only time will tell, but for now I am touching wood ;o)
Thursday, January 14, 2010
My 4 Legged Training Partner
Her energy is boundless, something i can only dream of :)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The Big Thaw ...

Today’s run, Just over 4 miles, was more than just a run ... it felt like it was also a major ‘core’ workout maintaining balance with the conditions under foot as described above ... but i gout out there with my dog .... and she enjoyed it.
So that’s the first run of the week out the way and hopefully i’ll get a short spinning session in latter today.
Have fun out there and take care.
Monday, January 11, 2010
W/E : 10/01/2009 (Week 1)

A good first weeks training for me and im glad to be back into it, the weeks training looks like
MON | _ | _ | REST DAY |
TUE | AM | 00:40:00 | RUN: 4 Mile Easy Paced |
TUE | PM | 00:30:00 | BIKES: 9Miles Spinning (RPM31) |
TUE | PM | 00:30:00 | RUN: 3miles Brick after spinning |
WED | AM | 01:10:00 | RUN: 6.5miles in deep snow with Scotty and dog |
WED | PM | 00:35:00 | BIKE: 10.5miles Spinning (RPM31) |
THU | AM | 01:02:00 | BIKE: 19.5miles Spinning (RPM 31 & 34) |
THU | PM | 00:30:00 | RUN: 3miles Snowy off road night run |
FRI | AM | 00:45:00 | SWIM: 2000m easy paced |
FRI | PM | 00:52:00 | BIKE: 15.1 Miles Spinning (RPM34) |
SAT | _ | _ | REST DAY |
SUN | AM | 01:01:00 | RUN: 6miles off road with my Wife an the dog |
SWIM: | 00:45 | |
BIKE: | 02:49 | |
RUN: | 03:51 | |
TOTAL | 07:35 |
On top of this i have also lost 6.5lbs this week and now weigh in at 14St 7.5 lb
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Snow, Snow, Snow

Well for me it has to be ‘get out there and do it’ or (JFDI) ... but all within reason ... there is no open water swimming at this time of year and the snow covered roads are far too bad for cycling, so that leaves running. In the past week I have managed to get out for a few runs and the photo above, from my sitting room window, shows the sort of conditions that greeted me.
The main thing is not to get to caught up on things and adjust your training appropriately.... if you are running in knee deep snow; you can’t expect to do long fast runs, but you can still work hard ... and believe me, running in knee deep snow is hard work.
Friday, January 08, 2010
Back Again ...Again