After Tuesdays disappointing run, things turned on their heads last night with my Open water swim.
I went to the lake straight from work and the evening was wonderful, I sat in my car for about an hour watching nature at its most amazing (even dozing off at one point).
I got changed into my wetsuit when someone else arrived and went for my swim, the water was very cold due to all the bad weather we have been having, buts what new. I acclimatised with a width or so then set off on my first 1-mile lap with another guy. He wasn’t as fast as me so I waited for him at 3 points which made it a good warm up lap.
The guy I had been swimming with said farewell and off I went on a continuous swim – I felt at one with the water, smooth, fast, great! – I did 2 full laps (2 miles) non stop in 52-53mins. - considering I only swim once per week at the most
I felt I could have kept on going, but I had ran out of time
So to recap – I did 5k in 1:30 with the last 2miles in 53mins
All-in-all …a GREAT SWIM