Monday, November 01, 2010

W/E 29/10/2010

Another solid week close to the 10hr mark, but yet again very little swimming, 10hrs is my aim for early base training for at least 3 weeks out of 4, with the 4th week been an easier recovery week (if needed)

What I need to get out of this period is consistency as all to often at this time of year have a let my training drift which means early new year is spent getting back into it rather than capitalising on what I already have in place … the year hopefully will be different

The numbers: -

SUNAM00:30BIKE: Spinning session (Pt1)
SUNAM00:30STRENGTH: Kettlebells (Pt2)
SUNAM00:30RUN: Trails (Pt3)
MONPM02:00BIKE: Hard effort aiming at raising Vo2max (Brick Pt1)
MONPM00:40RUN: Half mara paced run including 8x45sec sprints (Brick Pt2)
TUEAM00:45STRENGTH: weights session based on PT routine
TUEPM02:15BIKE: Focused on drills and spinning - lower HR, below LT
WED____REST DAY - I was feeling very run down (see previos post)
THUPM01:00STRENGTH: PT session, focusing on helping me sort out my back and core problems - big limiters for me
THUPM00:10SWIM: Just a short swim after PT, including settion my #winterswim base time
FRIAM00:51RUN: Trail Run
FRIPM00:32STRENGTH: Kettlebells

SWIM : 00:10
BIKE : 04:45
RUN : 02:01
OTHER : 02:47
TOTAL : 09:43


1 comment:

Pit Stop Crew said...

Yep, swimming a bit on the light side, but your core work should make up for that, as will any CV work.

You are doing much more than me/anyone else - don't over-do it!