My point is that we (including me) are all guilty of taking the easy path, and ditching the odd session, when we have a head cold, feeling a bit weary, jaded after a hard day at work. We loose sight of our ultimate goal we look for acknowledgement of our wish to drop a session by posting on forums or face book in the hope that someone comes along and says…
“It’s ok have the day off training. It'll do no harm”
But quite often it’s not ok, it can become a pattern in our training, missing session during base training it can weaken the foundation that we are seeking to build on, missing sessions in later phases could mean that we are not as fast, strong or as sharp as we could have been.
This is Ironman and it’s not meant to be easy!
Yes if you in bed ill with flu then don’t even think about training if you have gone beyond being tired and are truly on the verge of over training then you body will need to be rested but feeling a bit tired from time to time can be expected, afterall this is Ironman Training, the mental exhaustion from a hard day of work can often be replaced with a feeling of contentment when we get out there and train.
Where our forefathers had highly physical jobs down mines and in shipyards, we largely have it easy with a large proportion of the modern workforce working in offices and similar, we are not as physically exhausted at the end of the day as we think … it is indeed a mental exhaustion that we feel and misinterpret, get your kit on and get out there, give it a try, ease into it … if then you cant rise to it’ call it a day on the session at least you did HTFU &JFDI afte all a lot if ironman training needs to be in Zones 1 & 2 anyway
As I have said there are often times when we HAVE to miss a session but what I am saying is learn the differences between HAVE and WANT
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