I believe running drills help build strength and flexibility in your legs and they help increase your stride length and frequency making you a faster runner.
When it comes down to it Running speed = Stride Length x Cadence so improving either (or both) can have a positive effect on your running
I normally finish my run with a 2 to 4 sets of the following
Using a short stride, on your toes, raise your heels as high as possible behind your body, as if you were trying to bounce your heels off of your buttocks. Most of the movement should be with the lower leg. The upper leg should not move very much. Concentrate on raising your heels as high as possible. Repeat for 20 to 30 meters. You will feel this in your hamstrings so it is good to stretch them slightly.
Run sideways bringing your feet together, but not crossing over each other, almost like a sideways skip Repeat for 20 to 30 meters, then come back with the opposite leg leading.HIGH KNEE DRILL
Using a short stride, on your toes again, raise your knees as high as possible on each stride, aiming to get your knees as high as possible. 20 to 30 metersSIDEWAYS RUN (WITH CROSS OVER)
Like the previous sideways run but this time you cross over and rotate your hips/shoulders as the left leg moves in front and then behind the right leg. Think fast feet on this one. Repeat for 20 to 30 meters, then come back with the opposite leg leading.MINISTRY OF THE FUNNY WALKS
(For those old enough to remember the sketch)
This one is done slowly. And is a walk in the half lunge position, aiming for a long stride, you should feel this one stretch like a set of lunges. Repeat for 20 to 30 meters, stretch out to loosen back up then repeat on the way backWell for what it was worth … that is what I do when I say I finished with drills/Stride
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