Monday, July 28, 2008

Training W/E 26/07/2008

Finished the weeks training with my first proper bike ride of the new campaign, went out with my brother on a hot Saturday morning and did a hilly 35miles. My legs we very heavy from a combination of Fridays long run and weights session – but I was still quite pleased to get round as it had 2400ft of climbing (biggest climb = 900ft) a good start.

MONPM01:00RUN 5.5miles : easy pace
TUEAM00:35SWIM 1200m : Drills and Intervals
TUEPM01:03RUN 6.5miles : Hard pace plus stretching
WEDAM01:35RUN 9.5miles : Steady run into work
THUPM01:00SWIM 2200m : Easy OWS
THUPM00:16RUN 2miles : Tempo run
FRIAM00:41WEIGHTS : Circuit training (see topic)
FRIPM02:51RUN 15miles : Long slow hilly run
SATAM02:38BIKE 35mile : Hilly ride (2400ft climbing)

SWIM 01:35
BIKE 02:38
RUN 06:45
OTHER 00:41
TOTAL 11:39


Highway Kind said...

The race is a year away and you are already doing this much?

I am impressed by the work that needs to be done for an ironman

Bedders said...

Nice one! As IMCH will be my first I have no idea what I should really be doing at present so I will take note. Love the day count down to IMCH. How did you get that on the blog?