Sunday, July 20, 2008

Campaign Underway

First week of training of the campaign under my belt, the week ended bad with the dizziness from my swim evolving into a heavy cold but in all not a bad week.

The stats :-

SUNAM02:10BIKE 21mile : Easy paced MTB ride up the cast with my wife
MONPM01:05RUN 6.5mile : Negitive splt run
TUEPM01:00RUN 6Mile : Steady Run
WED____ REST Rest day due to business
THUPM00:48SWIM 2.5k OWS at the lake
FRIAM00:33BIKE 10Mile : 1st time on the new bike - Felt good
FRIPM01:00BIKE 15Mile: looks like the new bike gets me 20secs per mile
SATPM05:00HIKE Hiking in North Yorkshire

SWIM 00:48
BIKE 03:43
RUN 02:05



TOTAL 11:36

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