Sunday, January 02, 2011

Man Flu and Over Indulgence

It started with a bit of a tight chest and a slight cough on the 16th December and by the 19th it was full blown man flu at its worst and for me that also meant a very poorly chest.  My training came to an absolute stand still and I struggled to get  out of bed and with Christmas coming not good.

Most of the symptoms have now lifted but I still have a tight chest and a bit of a cough but hope I can get back into even a bit of light training over the next few days as my base plan starts next week (see post) and my waistline has expanded somewhat over the festive period.

I am the sort of person that enjoys Christmas and New Year ... I like Food ... and I like drink, even when out of sorts, so I look like I have put on a few pounds.

I shall weigh in tomorrow to see what damage the over indulgence and lack of exercise has resulted in .. but I know it's going to be bad ...



Pit Stop Crew said...

Eek. Not good Will. I put on 3kgs over Christmas. It's coming off now though. Hope you feel 100% soon.

Highway Kind said...

Yes Christmas is never a good time for fitness and then it is followed by flu season. Somehow I want the year to begin in March