Monday, April 24, 2006

Training Week T - 14

This week was a Recovery Week for me – Timed due to the fact I was going to be away for a couple of days for my stag do, I planed to do 9hrs and hit that 9hrs but slightly more running and less swimming than in my original plan

All recovery weeks will now be at the 9hr mark as I now find this level of training very light.

All-in-all I think my training is going well at the moment – if I can just get a few long rides in between now and my race

MONAM00:50RUNEasy off road run - very enjoyable
TUEAM00:43SWIMA steady continuous swim aimed to be at Ironman Effort - went through the 2k mark at 37mins
TUEPM01:45RUNWeekly long Run - just around the 11mile distance this week
WEDAM01:05BIKEGym bike session
WEDPM01:02RUNSteady trail run
THU______REST - Away on business
FRIPM03:55BRICK3:10 MTB Ride (at a hard pace) followed By
0:45 Hill run
- Felt good after woods which is really encouraging
SAT______REST - Away on stag do
SUN______REST - Away on stag do

SWIM = 0:45

BIKE = 4:15

RUN = 4:25

TOTAL = 9:20

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Training Week T – 18 to T – 15

Thought i'd better update my training log

T - 15

MON______REST (Away on Business)
TUEAM00:41SWIMEasy Swim
TUEPM02:32RUNLong run on trails - 16mile
WEDAM00:42BIKECycled into work at a hard effort
WEDPM01:33BIKECycled home a hilly scenic route – had to cut it short as the wind became dangerous
THPM02:20SWIMMasters Session
FRIAM01:02RUNEasy Run
SATAM05:37BIKELong MTB ride in the hills
SUNAM01:32RUNSteady Run

Swim -- 03:01
Bike -- 07:52
Run --05:06
TOTAL --15:59

T - 16

TUEAM01:00BIKEGym Bike Session
WEDAM01:00BIKEGym Bike Session
WEDPM00:45RUNEasy off Road Run
WEDPM01:00SWIM3k time trial at intended IM effort straight off the run - took 0:57 - very pleased with that
THUAM00:40BIKECycled into work at a hard effort
THUPM02:00BIKECycled home a hilly scenic route
THUPM00:45RUNRun straight off the bike
FRIAM00:30BIKEGym bike session to loosen my legs
FRIAM00:30WEIGHTSCore strength Session
FRIPM01:03RUNEasy off road run
SUNPM03:10BIKEJust over 60miles - was very wind an I got slower as the ride went on BUT felt good on the hils

Swim -- 01:00
Bike -- 08:20
Run -- 02:33
Other -- 00:30
TOTAL -- 12:23

T - 17

MONAM00:47SWIM4 x 500m on 10:00 plus swim down
WEDPM00:55RUNSteady off Road Run
THUPM00:55RUNSteady off Road Run
FRIPM01:01RUNVery Hilly Run in the lake district on arrival at a training camp
SATAM03:00BIKEA Very Hilly Interval session in the lake distict
SATPM00:35RUNA hilly run of the bike
SATPM01:00SWIMStructured Swim session
SUNAM04:11BIKEA continuous hilly ride in the lake district in the worst rain I have ever seen - I think I was dryer swimming
SUNPM01:00SWIMStructured Swim session to finish off the training weekend

Swim -- 02:47
Bike -- 07:11
Run -- 03:26
TOTAL -- 13:24

T - 18

MONAM01:00SWIM2.5K Steady swim plus drills
MONPM02:00BIKETurbo session
TUEAM01:15BIKEGym Bike Session
TUEPM02:30RUN15mile long run - a bit tired - put it down to the spinning session at lunch time
WEDAM01:05SWIM2.5k easy recovery swim
THUPM01:06RUNSteady off road run

Swim -- 02:05
Bike -- 03:15
Run -- 03:36
TOTAL -- 08:56