This is a race that I try to do every year, I like to start my season with a Half Marathon and Redcar is my PB course.
This year, instead of the first glimpses of spring we were more like enthralled in the heart of winter with snow and a strong icy wind – so no shorts and vest for me this year instead I raced in longs, hat and gloves.
I stood at the start of the race with my legs still very tired from the previous days hard 75-mile Bike Ride wondering if it had been a good idea, but that had always been the plan, a Big bike ride on the Saturday followed by the Half Marathon on the Sunday … all about improving my confidence for Ironman Germany in June.
I had made the conscious decision to take it easy at the Race – for me it was all about getting around. The claxon went and off we went, I had started near the rear of the field so not to hold anyone up but even at a conversational pace I soon found myself passing other runners but I maintained my plan and chatted to my training partner all the way round.
At 5miles my left hamstring started feeling tight and at 8 just as we hit the see front complete with its ‘bracing’ wind a sharp pain made me temporarily sag at the knees. I took this as a bit of a warning and slowed a bit more, allowing my now very tight hamstring to loosen off.
Going through 10 miles I noted that I had managed to average 8:30s, which for me is very good especially after a long ride as I would normally taper for a half marathon (but not this time)
On to the seafront with 2 miles to go my I decided to do the last couple of miles fartlek style to add a bit of pace work into now tired legs, so down the seafront my training partner and myself took turns to call “Easy”, “Medium” & “Pace” random lamppost intervals – making the last 2 miles the fastest 2 of the race
I completed the Half Marathon in 1:50 which is 3-4mins down on my PB which considering the conditions and all the clothes I was wearing, I was very pleased with …. But more importantly I had done the Half Marathon with very heavy tired legs and gotten through it …… A GREAT BOOST IN MY IRONMAN TRAINING