Wednesday, January 24, 2018

2018 - A New Start

The start of another year means the start of another campaign… 

But, now in my fifties, I need to consider my long term goals. Is that ever elusive sub 12:30 Ironman doable for me. Or, is it all just a pipe dream that remains forever out of reach? Do I need to revise my goals? Do I need new goals? Questions, questions.

This year I have, once again, entered the ‘hot box’ which is Ironman Vichy (France). I have raced Vichy twice and both times the temperatures have reached the high 30s. (About 100f for those of you who are still old school). Also, the last time the swim was an over distance, non-wetsuit swim. But all considered I like the place, the people, and the race. Plus, I will treat the race as my summer vacation.  
Across the early winter months I have been feverishly scribbling, and now, I have a plan, which consists of:
  • 5 weeks prep 
  • 12 weeks base 
  • 8 weeks build 
  • 8 weeks peek
With the odd ‘off’ week built into the schedule to account for family time and a few breaks to allow for recovery.

So, at the moment, I have the plan, I have the enthusiasm: so I am saying to myself: “Ignore the age and onward and upwards … the goal will be sub 12:30.”
